Meet The Face Behind Divergent Marketing Solutions


I’m Anthony Ergino, the proud owner of Divergent Marketing Solutions I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.

Born and raised in San Diego, I was a tri-sport athlete, competed in track n field, wrestled and played football in school. Being the eldest of five siblings, at one point, I worked three jobs and went to school full-time.

After graduating from California State University San Marcos, majoring in Sociology, I began my career at Nokia as a field test engineer and worked for eight years. After leaving engineering, I wanted to find a company where I can build a long-term career. Somewhere people can feel like they can be themselves, grow, learn about business and how to be successful based on superior work ethic, and not who you know.

Thankfully with great mentors, I was able to not only learn about sales and marketing by going through a management training program but also how to be a competent leader of people. In July of 2017, I established Divergent Marketing Solutions, getting my license and becoming an independent corporate distributor a year and a half in.

Today, my business has matured considerably. However, with all the training and mentorship we have offered, we also have more potential for growth than ever.

The part of my work life that I most enjoy is the chances I get to teach, guide and educate. I try to lead by example, creating managers and leaders of tomorrow. I also strive to empower my recruits, treat everyone as business partners, and find that the more I invest in people, the more my business booms, only going from strength to strength.

As an individual, I believe what sets me apart from others is I run my business like a well-organized sports team. We all have to start as a freshman, learn the rules and regulations of the game, understand the playbook, build a relationship with the team, and most importantly, practice and challenge ourselves. The way I see it, business is the same. It’s never about seniority or politics. It’s about work ethic and heart.

I attribute my success to my mentors that paved the way for me, my fantastic team, and even my many mistakes, as they have made me a better version of myself.

Being a successful business owner and having the ability to provide for my family has been an experience that has helped me grow as a person and has given me immense satisfaction over the years.

When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have a wife and three kids, so when I’m not working, I’m hanging out with them, going to Sea World, Balboa Park, Disneyland, Belmont Park, and cruising the San Diego Bay. I also love to fish, hike and dirtbike.

I also believe in giving back to society. As part of that belief, my family and I participate in A Walk For The Cure every year. It’s a fundraiser that helps cancer patients. I’ve had many family wins and losses with cancer, so that is a cause close to my heart.

I have enjoyed sharing my story about the things that matter to me and how they influence my business.

If you or someone you know could benefit from our expertise in marketing, I invite you to get in touch. Our goal is to be reliable, faster, and wiser than our competition, and we have the best team driving this vision forward. Our sales and marketing team creates unique marketing strategies that help people to meet their desired business goals.

We offer debt relief, marketing, and financial services to clients across the Inland Empire, Riverside County, and Northern San Diego. Please visit our website at for more information.



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